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Free of chargeSuccess Fees $
Join our mailing listTo be provided with information on suitable grants as they open, please email us at info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here.
Grant AdviceTo be provided with general or specific advice on grants prior to applying, anytime, regardless if we write the grant or otherwise. Please email us at info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here.
Grant writing We charge on a success fee basis. Fees are only payable to us if the grant application we write on your behalf is successful. In other words, we do not charge on the time spent on your grant application. We prepare and write the grant to win it. We wear the risk of an unsuccessful application and are incentivised to win the grant on your behalf.
Where the Approved Grant Value won is less than $60,000:
- $75 + 15% of the Approved Grant Value won (excl. GST)
- Capped at $3,000 (excl. GST).
Where the Approved Grant Value won is greater than $60,000:
- 5% of the Total Approved Grant Value won (excl. GST).
E.g. our fees for a successful $10,000 grant would be $1,732 including GST i.e. = $75 + (15% of $10,000 = $1,500) = $1,575 + GST of $157 = $1,732.
Payment is due the earlier of 7 days from receipt of grant funds or 28 days from the date of this invoice. Our grant writing success fees cannot usually be paid out of the grant funds received (larger grants often allow this). We will let you know if they can be.
Engaging with usThere are no formal contracts to sign. If you would like to engage us this is done on a grants by grants basis with a simple email. It is all very quick and easy to enable us to get on with winning grants for you. There is no ongoing commitment. Please email us at info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here.
Acquittal workFor grants written by us, work that we do after a grant has been won to help you acquit the grant is included within the success fees, for example helping prepare grant acquittal documentation to prove that the project has been completed and that the grant funds have been spent as applied for.