What is your Success Rate?

The short answer is that it is very close to 100%. But this requires some further explanation to avoid any misunderstanding. Firstly this % is achieved by applying only for suitable grants for eligible projects. Not all grants are suitable to apply for hence it is a waste of time adopting a machine gun type approach, a common reason Sporting Organisations do not win grants they apply for themselves. Secondly, the success % is not completely in our control. It depends on the quantity of total applications received by a grant provider compared to how much money they have to distribute. Governments do not have unlimited pools of money. If unsuccessful, like we sometimes are, we seek feedback from the grant provider and usually re-apply in subsequent rounds of the same grant. There is a higher chance of success in subsequent rounds.

Generally, we feel that we have many years of experience to firstly identify suitable grants to apply for and then apply accordingly. Each grant can require a very different approach to others.

Can you help us with large grants to improve our facilities e.g. pavilion, lights, new fields, grounds, tracks, courts, etc?

Of course ……. if we are able to apply for these grants. At times these large facility grants can only be applied for by your Council or the owner of ‘your’ facility …. which is typically your Council. Hence the work and approach needed are very different to applying for a grant directly. Planning, persuading, and persisting with your Council is required. When it is possible to apply directly for these grants, being prepared is critical as opposed to reacting to the opening of a grant and applying at the last moment.

We are always happy to discuss your needs to determine if we can directly help you, guide you or refer you to others. We can at times assist in gaining grant funding to fund Strategic Planning work, which can be a necessary pre-requisite to winning funding for large facility improvements. Please email info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here.

Are you able to help us with grants for non-sporting organisations? Businesses for example?

We may be able to help you. Our priorities are focused on winning grants for organisations within the sporting sector, but we are happy to discuss whether we can directly help you or refer you to other recommended organisations that might be able to help you. Please email info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here.

Can the grant funds received be used to pay for your grant writing fees?

Not usually. Some grant providers allow this. Usually, larger more complex grants can allow this given the large amount of work that is required which can consist of a larger amount of project design / planning work as well as grant writing. We can confirm this with you at the time on a grant-by-grant basis.

Is my organisation eligible to apply for grants?

Your organisation usually needs to be registered as not-for-profit organisation to be eligible to apply for grants. Almost all grants are offered to these types of organisations with very few grants offered to Businesses. All existing sporting clubs and associations will almost certainly be set up in this manner. Most will be incorporated organisations as can be found here online for Victoria organisations (similar search sites exist for each State) – Search for an incorporated association

Being a not-for-profit organisation does not mean that you cannot make a profit, it basically means that the organisation is not owned by any individuals and its main objective is to benefit its members with any profits usually being reinvested into running and growing the club.

If you do not have a not-for-profit legal structure, some grant providers will accept an auspice to take responsibility for the grant application and funds. You need to find the auspice. A bit like a loan guarantor, an auspice is another organisation that takes responsibility for your grant application, receives the money and ensures that your project is completed.

It is not overly difficult to become incorporated. You can do this yourself or we can recommend some organisations that can assist you for a reasonable cost (less than a $1,000 – from our experience there is no need to engage with expensive consultants to undertake this exercise for your community organisation). The pros and cons of being incorporated are listed here on the Victorian site (basically the same for every State and Territory) – Pros and Cons of being incorporated. To become Incorporated in Victoria for example, click here. There are a some councils that offer grants to fund incorporation and other costs assisting new organisations to get a kick start in their formative years.

Please email info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here if you would like further information.

Do I need to have an ABN to apply for grants?

Background – An ABN identifies you as a trading entity, click here for more information, What is an ABN?

Having an ABN (Australian Business Number) does not imply that you are a business (yes we agree that it is confusing and the choice of words could be improved). Almost all not-for-profit organisations can and do have an ABN as mentioned. 99% of local sporting clubs that we work with have one.

Some grant providers will simply not accept grant applications from organisations without an ABN, others will withhold tax whilst others will require the applicant to complete a Statement by Supplier Formstating why they do not have one.  There is also an element of credibility with having an ABN when applying for grants. More than 99% of clubs, associations and organisations have one – Search here for an ABN – hence if one wants to apply for grants more than on an ad-hoc basis every year or so (and only with those grant providers that allow it), we recommend that an organisation obtains an ABN. It is free, quick (an ABN can be obtained within 24 hours) and pretty easy to do on-line, click here – Applying for an ABN.

Please email info@grantprofessionals.com.au or contact us here if you would like to discuss this further. If you would prefer, we partner with some organisations that can help with this for reasonable fees. From our experience there is no need to engage with expensive consultants to undertake this exercise for your community organisation.